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The Bird Flu is Uncontrolled, and It Keeps Showing Up in the Scariest Places

by Dr. Hope Ferdowsian and Gene Baur

Dr. Hope Ferdowsian and Gene Baur provide a cautionary warning about bird flu, which has now been found in multiple species of birds and mammals—including humans.

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Putting People, Animals, and the Planet First in Policy Decisions

This fact sheet outlines the purpose and value of Phoenix Zones Initiative's Just One Health Impact Assessment Tool.

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A Journalist’s Resource Guide to Reporting on Science, Health, and Medicine

The guide includes useful resources to address frequently asked questions about the science and ethics of medical research.

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Just One Health Project ECHO: Advancing Health and Justice

by Dr. Hope Ferdowsian, Dr. Elan Abrell, Shannon Holder, and Jennifer Draiss

This paper summarizes the creation, implementation, and impact of a Just One Health Project ECHO training and mentorship program.

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Confronting Ethical Permissibility in Research

by Chong Un Choe-Smith

The author explores some of the ethics failures in animal research, such as the absence of justice, and the "common assumption" of justification.

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A Silent Call for a Socially and Ecologically Just One Health Approach

by Dr. Hope Ferdowsian

This commentary illustrates the need for a socially and ecologically just One Health (Just One Health) approach to addressing and preventing global challenges.

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