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Selected Past Events

Congressional Briefing: Working Toward a National Commission on Research Ethics

March 19, 2024

This event, hosted by Phoenix Zones Initiative and the George Washington University Law School, led a Congressional briefing to discuss the state of medicine, science, and the law as it relates to Congressional oversight of human and animal research. They also discussed ongoing efforts to provide more appropriate research standards for federal agencies that conduct and fund research.

Image of a doctor in a lab coat working on a tablet, and other medical-related elements in the background and foreground, such as a magnified strand of DNA.

Media Day: A Q & A with Experts for Journalists Reporting on Science, Health, and Medicine

October 17, 2023

This event, hosted by Phoenix Zones Initiative, gave journalists reporting on science, health, and medicine exclusive access to a panel of medical experts and a fellow journalist to discuss challenges in reporting on the ethics and science of medical research, including the use of animals in research.

Image of a crowd of people wearing masks

Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference Satellite Session on Pandemic Prevention

April 13, 2023

Phoenix Zones Initiative co-hosted and collaborated on an international session about pandemic prevention for the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Conference in Washington, DC. From Science to Policy: How the Pandemic Instrument Can Prevent Pandemics and Enable Equity assessed how a justice-focused pandemic treaty could address current gaps in international policy and effectively address the root causes of pandemic risk. The session led to a series of publications on the issue.

Image of DNA--PZI's Congressional briefing on Transforming Medical Research

2023 Capitol Hill Briefing: Transforming Medical Research—Advancements in Science and Ethics

January 30, 2023

Our expert panel, including guests from private industry and academia, spoke to Congressional staffers in Washington, DC, about the current state of play for medical innovation, research, and advancements in science and ethics; what role Congress can play in driving advancements; and how staffers can feel more prepared to approach these scientific and medical issues.

Image of two girls hugging a tree, in front of a faded background of an aerial view of a river running through a forest

The Right to Health Training Program

October 27-November 17, 2022

Phoenix Zones Initiative’s Just One Health Project ECHO four-week virtual training and mentorship program outlines how our public policies, institutions, and practices can become more socially, environmentally, and economically just, and promote optimal health and wellbeing for people, animals, and the planet.

Dr. Charu Chandrasekera in front of a background of dna strands and an organ-on-a-chip

Toward More Innovative, Ethical Research: An Evening with Dr. Charu Chandrasekera

October 20, 2022

The founder and executive director of the Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods spoke about what she views as a pathway to transforming medical research.

Image of a family walking on a beach

Kempe Conference: A Call to Action to Change Child Welfare

October 3-6, 2022

For this international conference, Phoenix Zones Initiative organized four panel discussions to elevate the conversation around children’s rights initiatives that we are pursuing as part of an international coalition. Our feature panel focused on the importance of a rights-based Just One Health approach.

Image of child snuggling a dog and kitten with dna strands in the background

Transforming Medical Research Training Program

September 8-29, 2022

Phoenix Zones Initiative’s four-week virtual training and mentorship program shows how we can advance evidence-based modern, ethical research founded on primary prevention, justice, and the interdependent connections between the treatment of people and animals.

Image of a person using a computer, with a dog on their lap

Learn to Write Effective Letters to the Editor

September 13, 2022

At this hands-on training, professional writers shared strategies and insights for writing effectively and getting published.

Ecological Justice and the Right to Health Expert Panel

May 19, 2022

Moderated by Phoenix Zones Initiative’s co-founder and president, at this event, a panel of experts discussed why and how centering ecological justice and a right to health across global and local policies and practices can help ensure that people, animals, and the planet can be healthy and thrive.

strands of DNA

Transforming Medical Research: An Interdisciplinary Panel

January 27, 2022

In this far-reaching international and interdisciplinary panel, experts discussed how human research protections offer a framework toward a transformative research agenda that benefits and protects both people and animals.

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