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Just One Health Project ECHO: Advancing Health and Justice

by Dr. Hope Ferdowsian, Dr. Elan Abrell, Shannon Holder, and Jennifer Draiss

Date: April 6, 2023

The world’s social and ecological threats—such as the climate crisis, pandemics, pollution, and biodiversity loss—are interconnected. But there are few meaningful interventions focused on advancing health and justice for people, animals, and the planet.

In this case study, published in CABI One Health Cases, PZI President Dr. Hope Ferdowsian and other members of the PZI team summarize the creation, implementation, evaluation, and impact of PZI’s Just One Health Project ECHO, an educational training and mentorship program centered on advancing a socially and ecologically just One Health (Just One Health) framework, using the Project ECHO platform.

Because policies and practices for addressing global health threats tend to focus on surveillance and remediation and to be human-centered, the need for a training program dedicated to a Just One Health approach that bridges silos and centers on prevention, rights, and justice, is essential.

In 2021, PZI launched an eight-week pilot program for the Just One Health training program.

The case study breaks down

  • the need for and scope of the training program
  • the specialists and subject matter experts who served as presenters for each session
  • the curriculum, which centered on the importance of prevention, and of advancing rights and justice for humans, other animals, and the environment
  • a summary of the implementation of the pilot
  • the means of evaluating the pilot
  • the impact of the pilot

As part of the pilot program, participants in the training brought case studies relevant to using a Just One Health approach for the pilot cohort to discuss and to offer suggested interventions.

Find out more.


Find out more about the Transforming Medical Research Project ECHO and the Right to Health Project ECHO that PZI led in 2022.


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