Format: Articles & Briefs

The Bird Flu is Uncontrolled, and It Keeps Showing Up in the Scariest Places
Dr. Hope Ferdowsian and Gene Baur provide a cautionary warning about bird flu, which has now been found in multiple species of birds and mammals—including humans.

Putting People, Animals, and the Planet First in Policy Decisions
This fact sheet outlines the purpose and value of Phoenix Zones Initiative’s Just One Health Impact Assessment Tool.

A Journalist’s Resource Guide to Reporting on Science, Health, and Medicine
The guide includes useful resources to address frequently asked questions about the science and ethics of medical research.

Just One Health Project ECHO: Advancing Health and Justice
This paper summarizes the creation, implementation, and impact of a Just One Health Project ECHO training and mentorship program.

Confronting Ethical Permissibility in Research
The author explores some of the ethics failures in animal research, such as the absence of justice, and the “common assumption” of justification.

A Silent Call for a Socially and Ecologically Just One Health Approach
This commentary illustrates the need for a socially and ecologically just One Health (Just One Health) approach to addressing and preventing global challenges.

Future Warming from Global Food Consumption
The study’s authors look at the global warming impacts of various foods and discover that meat from ruminants, dairy, and rice have the highest climate change impacts.

We Need a Better Way to Measure Progress: Beyond GDP
Learn why and how Phoenix Zones Initiative is working with other experts to develop tools and metrics that go beyond GDP.

Existing Ethical Tensions in Xenotransplantation
This article discusses the ethics of and repercussions for humans and animals of xenotransplantation.

“Silent Spring” Still Holds Lessons for Keeping the Planet, and Ourselves, Healthy
This essay draws on Rachel Carson’s work to highlight the need for a new revolution focused on the connections between people, animals, and the planet.